The Martisor holiday is celebrated every year on the 1st of March, for the last 8000 years. The legend says that there was a time when the Sun used to take the shape of a man and descend on Earth to dance among people. A dragon found out about this, followed the Sun and captured him. Although people were sad due to the lack of Sun, no one dared to confront the dragon. One day a brave young man set out to find the dungeon. The journey lasted three seasons: summer, autumn, and winter, but when he finally reached the dungeon in spring he managed to defeat the dragon and set the Sun free. However, his wounds were too deep and his warm blood was draining in the snow, melting it. When the last drop of the brave young man's blood fell, some of the white flowers, called snowdrops, harbingers of spring, turned red. That’s why on March 1st people in Moldova offer tiny adornments made of entwined red and white cord, that symbolize new life, hope, purity, and love. #1stofmarch #martisor #mărțișor #springbreak #firstdayofspring #martisormoldovenesc #moldova_mea

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