Happy Valentine's day, dear all 💜 ⠀ After waking up this morning, enjoying the smile of our charming daughter & reading the romantic sms from my beloved husband, I found myself thinking about family's romantic traditions that warm up the feeling of Love 💜. Every relationship, every family needs attention and care, the same as our children. To grow up, to grow powerful. ⠀ At this moment, I asked myself what could I do more to fuel the flame of love 💑. ⠀ Here is a short list, of my ideas: ⠀ 💑 Celebrate all family events together. This can be your first date 💑, first kiss 😘, and so on. ⠀ 💑 Spend time together ⏳. It sounds trite, but it is really important. My husband and I, have the tradition of taking our princess to bed together. We spend all three at least 15 minutes. It is funny 😂. ⠀ Another option, is going for walks on regular basis. ⠀ 💑 Travel together 🌎, and come back to the places you both liked the most. It revives those feelings you had many years ago. It is unbelievable. ⠀ 💑 Cook together 🍲 something you both adore, for Christmas or other holiday. ⠀ 💑 Practice sport 🏃, if you both like it. ⠀ 💑 Have a shower 😊. Yep, I am serious. ⠀ 💑 Go to restaurants you have been 🐝 when dating. ⠀ 💑 Have breakfast or dinner together. Of course, it depends on the working hours of each. ⠀ 💑 Meet him with a smile and kiss, when coming home. ⠀ 💑 Talk to each other every day. Choose the most convenient time during the day, put the 📵 mobiles away 😎😋 for at least 15/20 minutes. Share your day experience, thoughts, emotion. ⠀ 💑 ... Please select what suits your relationship most, and practice to be happy 😊🌞. ⠀ I am sure the list can be continued. Please share your experience and opinions. I will be very delighted to read yours. Looking forward...😉 ⠀ 📃Vocabulary: Be delighted - быть в восторге Put away - убрать, отложить в сторону Share - делиться Share opinion - разделять мнение Come back - возвращаться Tradition - традиция Family events - семейные мероприятия Look forward - ждать с нетерпением On regular basis - на постоянной основе Ваша English Teacher #английскийслюдмилой #englishwithludmila

Теги других блогов: love family traditions romantic ideas